

完成退伍军人工作表 to request more information

Q: I am a military connected and qualify for 好处s. 我还需要填写FAFSA吗?
是的. You may be eligible for federal and state aid in addition to your Veteran Educational Benefits.

问:我以前从未尝试过使用福利. 我从哪里开始呢??
A:重要的事情先说:请参观 退伍军人教育网站, choose your 好处 type, and complete the online application through VA.政府.

Once the VA has processed your application, they will send you a Certificate of Eligibility. 寄一份这个,还有一份 与军队有关的学生工作表,到SAU退伍军人和招募办公室. 

The office also needs a copy of your DD-214 member 4 copy (military separation/discharge paper) or your NOBE (DD-2384 - Notice of Basic Eligibility) and any Kickers you received.

问:我在注册时做了一个改变. 我应该通知退伍军人协调员吗?
是的! 注册的变化会影响你的G.I. 比尔® 好处s, including the risk of overpayment and personal debt to the VA. Always let the SAU Veterans Coordinator know ASAP if you make any change to your schedule. 联系 information is on the right side of this page.

尽管911后的G.I. 比尔 tuition and fees are paid directly to the university, overpayments resulting from enrollment changes will be charged to the student.

It's best to discuss any enrollment changes with the Veterans Coordinator (contact listed on the right) before making them to avoid unnecessary complication or loss of 好处s. This includes adding or dropping a class and withdrawal from the University.

问:我正在考虑改用后911时代的G.I. 比尔® and I understand that the transfer is irrevocable. 9/11后的G是怎样的.I. 比尔和蒙哥马利G.I. 比尔?
A: It can't always be assumed that the Post-9/11 G.I. 比尔是大家的最佳选择. In many cases, it's best to exhaust a previous 好处 before switching. You can contact the VA at 888-442-4551 to discuss pros and cons. 在VA网站上使用这个比较工具.

Q: Will the SAU Veterans Coordinator be able to tell me if I am eligible for a G.I. 比尔®?
答:没有. This can only be determined by the VA after you apply for the 好处. 我们鼓励大家 完成后9/11 G的申请.I. 比尔®中获益,让退伍军人管理局来决定你的资格.

The Coordinator can assist you with the application process and inform you about the different types of education 好处s.

问:我是一名兼职学生. 我还能用911后的G吗.I. 比尔®?
是的. 非全日制学生, payments for tuition/fees and book stipend are pro-rated based on the number of credit hours in which you are enrolled.

Students with a "Rate of Pursuit" greater than 50% are eligible for a monthly housing stipend. "追击率"是由退伍军人事务部计算的. 如有疑问,请致电888-GIBILL1与VA联系

Full-time = 12 or more credit hours (undergraduate); 9 or more credit hours (graduate)

The VA determines part-time/full-time status based on how many credits a student is enrolled at a given time, not the total number of hours registered for in the term. Please contact the Coordinator of Veterans Services or the VA 关于保持全职状态的问题.

To receive the maximum 住房津贴 you would need to be full time and attending at least one in-person class. The housing rate for completely online students is ½ the national average.

更多费率信息请见 退伍军人事务部教育福利率.

问:911事件后的G.I. 比尔® 支付在SAU的食宿费用?
答:没有. The monthly housing stipend, or other eligible financial assistance, can be used for this expense. 后9/11时代的G.I. 比尔将只支付St .的学杂费. 可以买滚球的正规平台.

问:我的父母是退伍军人. 我有什么教育上的好处吗?
A:不一定. 为了获得资格 Chapter 35 Survivors' and Dependents' Educational Assistance, a parent needs to have died or have a 100% VA disability rating due to active military service. If your parent is a Post-9/11 service member, there is a 权利转移计划 子女及配偶. The transfer requires a 10-year commitment and must be completed while the Service member is on Active Duty.

Q. 我用完了所有的G.I. 比尔® 后9/11前的福利.I. 帐单程序开始. 我还能申请911后的签证吗.I. 比尔?
是的. 如果你用了蒙哥马利G的全部36个月.I. 比尔 and have at least 90 days of cumulative active duty service after 9/10/11, you may qualify for an additional 12 months of the Post-9/11 G.I. 比尔. Individuals cannot receive more than a maximum of 48 months of 好处s under any combination of VA education programs.

我们鼓励大家 完成后9/11 G的申请.I. 比尔® 好处,让退伍军人管理局来决定你的资格.

问:我八月底才开始上课. 我是否会收到9/11后一个月的补助金.I. 比尔® 住房津贴?
答:没有. Housing allowance payments are pro-rated by the VA based on the number of days in the month you are actually enrolled. 例如:如果15号开始上课, then you only will receive 住房津贴 for the 15th through the end of the month.

Q. What is the university's policy on students called to Active Duty?
A. St. 可以买滚球的正规平台 recognizes that during times of national emergencies, students in the National Guard and Reserves might be called to active service. SAU has developed the following options for students in the military service called to active duty:

1. Withdraw the student from classes for the current term at 100% refund of tuition and mandatory fees.


2. Make arrangements with the student's instructors for course grades or incompletes that shall be completed by the student at a later date. 如果作出这样的安排, the student's registration shall remain intact and tuition and mandatory fees shall be assessed for the courses in full.

The above options also apply to the spouse of a deployed service member with a dependent child, 如果配偶是学生.

If you have questions regarding this policy or need to withdraw from classes based on a military obligation, 请尽快与我联系。. If you have questions concerning your Financial Aid package, please contact Student Financial Services at 563-333-5775.

Q: I have questions that have not been answered here. 我到哪里去找答案?
A: For questions or concerns about using Veterans Education Benefits at St. 可以买滚球的正规平台,请发邮件 娜塔莉Woodhurst, Coordinator of Veterans Services, or call 563-333-5721.



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